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October Minutes

Gallatin County Weed Board
Regular Monthly Meeting
October 2, 2008

Board members present were Jeff Littlefield (Chair), Fred Bell, Bob Hofman, Craig Morgan, Bob Urich and Joe Skinner (Commissioner). Others present were Keith Mainwaring (Property owner), Dennis Hengel (District Coordinator), John Ansley (Education/Enforcement Coordinator) and Rosemary Perry (Secretary).

Minutes. The Minutes had been mailed to the Board and were approved as presented.

Budget/Claims. Littlefield noted that there were some overages on the Budget spreadsheet in the Repairs and Maintenance line item. Perry had explained to him that these were due to the repair of the truck that was damaged in the accident on June 18th and would be reimbursed by insurance payments.

1.      Complaints. Hengel reviewed the status of some complaints that were brought up at the September meeting.
Ø       Walker property by Sales has been mowed.
Ø       Baxter Meadows has done a lot of mowing, however, there is still some more mowing that needs to be accomplished.
Ø       Love Lane: Hengel contacted Western Conservation Services, the company that had been hired by Black Bull Run to do the weed control on the subdivision. He              was informed that the developer is out of funds for weed control. Commissioner Skinner asked if the subdivision developer would be liable for the weed control                  where the utility line was put through on Love Lane or would that fall on the utility company contractor. Hengel said that the developer of the subdivision is                   responsible for weed control and revegetation of all disturbances as without the subdivision, the utility line would not have been installed. The developer needs to            make sure that the contractor completes the work. Hengel said that he would work with the Road Department to address the weed control and revegetation efforts.
Ø       The Spanish Meadows subdivision has the same issues on Baxter Lane.
Ø       The Spainbridge subdivision was checked and found to be in good shape.
Fred Bell asked if the issue was just weed control in the burrow pits or did it include the application of topsoil. Discussion followed. Bell recommended that Hengel puts the developers on notice as soon as possible so they can get started early in the spring. Commissioner Skinner asked if the county revegetates disturbed areas when they create disturbances. He expressed concern that by requesting that developers bring in topsoil along county roads we were requiring them to do something that the county itself does not do. Hengel informed him that the county does replace topsoil and revegetate roadside disturbances.

1.      Public Comment/Other. None

2.      Weed Summit. There was discussion regarding the suggested date and suggestions for the
        Awards of Weed Fighter of the Year and Agency Award. The MWCA Annual meeting is in mid January and the Home Show is at the end of January. The                          Outdoor Show has been cancelled for 2009. February 10th was selected as the date for the Summit.
3.      Commissioner Report. No report.

4.      Chairperson Report.
Ø       Littlefield reported that he is on a number of task force committees (Tansy ragwort, Orange hawkweed and Rush skeletonweed) and will be participating in meetings       in the NW part of the state this month. He will also be attending the Wyoming Weed and Pest Annual meeting this fall.
Ø       He reminded the staff that it is time to start thinking about submittals for NWTF grants. The grant requirements have changed a little for 2009.
Ø       Littlefield is looking for Whitetop sites for research plots.

5.      Education/Enforcement Coordinator Report.
Ø       Ansley reported that he is still working on complaints, sending out notices and doing follow-up inspections
Ø       The Rental program is still running with just a couple of sprayers available. Most of the sprayers have been winterized by Ansley and Hengel.
Ø       Ansley has been spraying “hot” spots along county roads as well as on the Fairgrounds.
Ø       Ansley and Jones sprayed the Spotted knapweed on “mystery” property at Beckman Flats.
Ø       He has created photo points for the Frog Rock Grant report. Dynamecc Property Services has sprayed a lot of the Schmidt property in the grant area. Ansley has          also sprayed on the property.
Ø       Ansley, Jones, Mainwaring and Sweeney did a weed wash in the Gallatin Canyon on the opening day of bow season. The next event is scheduled for opening day      of rifle season weather permitting.
Ø       Ansley drove to Billings to pick up a new spray tank and a small sprayer from a Warne Chemical representative who was attending the NAWMA meeting.
Ø       He met with Dynamecc Property Services on a complaint property up Trail Creek Road.
Ø       Participated in a “What’s In Your World” meeting at the Forest Service building to evaluate what has been achieved so far this summer and plan for next year.
Ø       He is working on the Frog Rock Grant report that is due to the Dept. of Ag on October 15th
Ø       Ansley is writing an article for the SW Area Newsletter
Ø       Ansley, Jones, Councilman, and Hoopes worked with Ophir School and had an educational workshop and weed-pull with about 21 second grade students. The           event was very successful and the kids even learned a little about GPS. Councilman will create a weed map for them using their data.
Ø       He did a site inspection on the Oma property and it looks good
Ø       On Wednesday he and Hengel sprayed on the Madison Dike and today Ansley worked there on his own. Hengel showed the Board photos of the area.
Ø       Ansley is starting to work on a grant for the Lower Madison Area. This will tie in with the Middle Madison grant that is being administered by Madison County           and the Gallatin County grant for the Upper Madison WMA thereby covering the entire Madison Watershed.
Ø       He will attend the Fall Coordinator training in Forsythe next week.
Ø       He will try to drive the traces that he was unable to cover this spring due to bad weather and roads. Gallatin County GIS has a new employee, Frank Dougher, who                formerly worked at MSU and is familiar with the weed programs etc. With Dougher’s help Ansley hopes to have new Trace Maps for the seasonal spray crews to                      work from.

6.      Coordinator Report.
Ø       Hengel thanked Commissioner Skinner for his support during the Budget process. The original proposed preliminary budget figures for the Weed District’s                         seasonal temps had been cut back by $11,000. With Commissioner Skinner’s support we have been allocated the original amount of $69,648.
Ø       Hengel is converting two (2) more spray trucks to carry 500gallon tanks which will give us three (3) large capacity trucks for the 2009 field season, and one with a            300 gallon tank. This should increase efficiency.
Ø       The Conservation District staff has informed Hengel that the CD will be hiring a new staff member who will work part time on the small acreage program and part                 time in the CD office. The Weed District would be willing to contribute to the position with the use of one of the small trucks to be used for field inspections.
Ø       Hengel informed the Board that he has received a list of property owners that are involved with the Madison Dike and this will give us a good start on contacting               people for the Lower Madison Grant.
Ø       Almost all the vehicles are now winterized.
Ø       Hengel passed around a copy of a letter he received from the Back Country Horsemen thanking him for having a booth at their Poker Ride at Bridger Bowl. He also         attended their meeting at the Alliance Church in Belgrade on September 18th and presented a discussion on noxious weeds.
Ø       On October 30th Hengel has a talk scheduled with the MSU Science Club regarding the enforcement process.
Ø       Hengel received a call from a Helena Attorney regarding a law suit that has been filed against the Teton County Weed District by an organic farmer. The attorney                requested information of the Gallatin County “No Spray” program or as this District calls it the “Landowner Maintenance” program. Hengel discussed and                          explained GCWD’s program. There was also discussion regarding the State Weed Control Act. Littlefield asked if there were any organic producers in Gallatin                         County. Hengel knows of two (2), one out in the Springhill area and the other on Reese Creek Road.
Ø       Hengel asked the Board to start thinking about the District’s goals and strategic planning for the upcoming field season in 2009.
Ø       The GYCC Gravel Pit program was a success and we already have a commitment of funding for next year. The program contacted 200 gravel pits within the Greater           Yellowstone Area. 55 gravel pit operations (15 in Gallatin County) enrolled in the program. The Department of Agriculture is contemplating a gravel pit inspection                      program and has approached Hengel for information on the program we have developed with the GYCC.

The next meeting will be on November 6th. The meeting was adjourned at 2.15PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Rosemary Perry, Secretary